
Mark McGrath, Sugar Ray

chords | learn to play Fly

Ab, Db, Eb

lyrics | learn to sing Fly

I just wanna fly

Put your arms around me, baby

Put your arms around me in the band

I just wanna fly, yeah

Put your arms around me, baby

Put your arms around me, baby

All around the world, statues crumble for me

Who knows how long I've loved you

Everywhere I go, people stop and they see

25 years old, my mother, God rest her soul

I just wanna fly

Put your arms around me, baby

Put your arms around me in the band

I just wanna fly, yeah

Put your arms around me, baby

Put your arms around me, baby

I just want to fly

I just want to fly

That was the number one song in 1997.

But who's counting?

I am.

The point is, if I can do it, if I can have fun,

write songs with other like-minded individuals,

it's a good place to be.

And Indie Band is that great place to be.


  • #90s
  • #MyHashtagstoyou
  • #rock